
About Me

🌻Feel free to call me either Ian or Nia! I hold no preference towards either of my names.
πŸ’™ 25 years old, any pronouns
🌻 Filmmaker, photographer, writer, activist
πŸ’™ Christian (Methodist)
🌻 Anarcho-communist
πŸ’™ Blue is my absolute favorite color!
🌻 INFJ-T (Turbulent Advocate)
πŸ’™ Autistic, bisexual, and genderfluid🌈
🌻 I have depression, anxiety, and C-PTSD. I do not have formal diagnoses for ADHD, BPD, or OCD, but I'm strongly convinced I have at least one of them. Please be patient and understanding with me.


⭐ Cinema
⭐ Animation
⭐ Video games
⭐ Music
⭐ Politics
⭐ Theology
⭐ Literature
⭐ History
⭐ Science
⭐ Technology
⭐ Sociology
⭐ Graphic design
⭐ Food & cooking
⭐ Big foreheads

Before You Follow...

β€’ I love making new friends! Don't be afraid to reach out to me in any way. If you add me anywhere, please be sure to let me know who you are and where you're from.
β€’ I post about politics, religion, and world events rather often. If those topics are stressful for you, you're free to turn off my retweets.
β€’ I repost art a lot, though please be assured it's almost always SFW!
β€’ If you're a mutual of mine and unfollow me, please softblock me while doing so.
β€’ If I ever do or say something wrong, please let me know. Being honest about whenever I mess up helps me a lot, especially since I deal with paranoia & severe abandonment issues.
β€’ I block & mute quite liberally for the sake of my mental health.
β€’ I have some strong triggers related to sexual & emotional abuse, so please be mindful of that as you interact with me.

Do Not Follow If...

β€’ You're a bigot of any stripe (racist, fascist, homophobe, transphobe, sexist, ableist, etc.)
β€’ You're a right-winger, tankie, genocide denier, or engage in authoritarian apologia.
β€’ You're a Zionist or support Israel or any other settler-colonial project.
β€’ You don't believe in restorative justice or transformative justice.
β€’ You shill cryptocurrency, NFTs, or AI.
β€’ You're a conspiracy theorist or willfully push misinformation or disinformation.
β€’ You're a TERF, SWERF, or "gender-critical". I have no tolerance for exclusionists or gatekeepers.
β€’ You're a pedophile, zoophile, or abuse apologist.
β€’ You participate in proship/anti discourse.
β€’ You use slurs that you can't reclaim.